Friday, December 17, 2010

The Strangest dream last night moves towards a reality today!

I am no longer just hoping for participation because participation is happening.

We are no longer hoping to start the process of making the Documentary: Living After Rape.
WE ARE MAKING the Documentary: Living After Rape.

There isn’t a day that goes by, nor, in all honesty, a half-day, an hour, and unfortunately not
even just one minute that the incidents of violence in our world stops. I am acutely aware of
this with every breath I take. I am also acutely aware of how precious it is that I get to take
these breaths.

This awareness of possibility in each second that is lived is one of the possible by-products of
trauma. I’d never have wished my story on myself and I certainly wouldn’t wish it on anyone
else. However, given that the rapes have already happened, learning to harvest the skills that
evolve out of the adaptations is essential. And one of these has to do with knowing all the
way down to my toes that life can change in a fraction of a second. That the very lens through
which one perceives can shatter and, while re-constructible, it will never be -- that it was un-
shattered – ever again. Living with this knowledge is excruciating. Living with this knowledge
is exquisite. Because with this comes a passion to have each and every moment.

In my continued effort to actualize this film, and with the awe and respect I owe to everyone
who has responded, I have been busy creating a digital foundation:
Contact us Through E-mail
Visit Our Facebook Page

As I work my way through responding individually to each person who has contacted me and setting up times to meet and/or meet by ‘skype’, the best way to help assure the making of this documentary is for anyone who feels comfortable to send the information through your own digital tree of contacts. We need people to ‘follow’ this blog. We need people to ‘like’ the FB page.

Living After Rape

LAST NIGHT I HAD THE STRANGEST DREAM (thank you Joan Baez)(thanks to the composer, Ed McCurdy)

And from whatever or wherever the creative inspirations dwell, they rose up to force unequivocal action. It’s not as if I haven’t filmed this piece a million times. My minds-eye is an amazing camera. It is true though, that the piece has run only in my own head and heart. Having recently been asked about my deepest heart’s desire seems to have tapped the wellsprings of my ability to face my own fears, thank them and move forward.

This work needs to be in the world. And I know this. DO YOU WANT TO HELP ME MAKE THIS HAPPEN?

I seek people with an interest in working with me to craft a documentary film: LIVING AFTER RAPE. At this stage, I want to hear from people with a passion for the subject AND a passion (skills) for any and all aspects of documentary film-making. First we put together a cohesive ensemble group. Then we make the work. At this point there is no money for this film. Judging by the response, I imagine there will be at some point. But there are no guarantees. Only an enormous hope (and confidence) that this documentary will be completed and seen.

Please only reply if you are for real. If you respond, and you are legit, you will receive an email back. We will set up a time to talk by phone and assuming you are genuine, a time for a meeting will be set up.

The film-maker (me) is a survivor of three violent rapes, a psychotherapist treating trauma survivors for 25 years and a writer/artist/filmmaker.

Thank you in advance for your willingness to participate in the making of this important work.

SEEKING 3 (!) population groups of people who are willing to be film interviewed, either openly or anonymously: (1) People who have lived through rape. (2) People who love people who have lived through rape. And (3) People who have raped.

Please feel free to pass this information along. We need a wide variety of ages and ethnicities. If you have any suggestions for additional places I might post my search for interview-ees, the information will be deeply appreciated.

The story of the ‘AFTER’ lies hidden in a cultural denial so deep that many people who have lived through these events feel (and often are) invisible. If the hurt-ers, the hurt-ees, and the loved ones of both, all knew two important things, these crimes might not be perpetrated:
1. The ramifications of the events exist whether acknowledged or not. AND without the stories and a validating environment to receive them, the adaptations to these stories pass genetically down through the generations (Epigenetics).

 2. The scars, the wounding, and the subsequent skills required to craft a life in the ‘AFTER’ between the hurt-ers, the hurt-ees and the loved ones of both -- once the initial event has been lived through -- are uncannily the same.
I have written many pieces that all started with the same song: ‘Last Night I Had The Strangest Dream’. This time, this wonderful song catalyzes a film.


Thank you.

Andrea Bredbeck